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Mayor’s Monday Morning Message


Have you checked out Lime Bikes yet? Download the app here and your first ride is free! The Lime pop-op will be in Ossining all week. It is part of Ossining’s approach to participating in Car Free Day which is happening on Friday!

Take the Car Free Day Hudson Valley pledge here today! This is about much more than cycling! It is a global initiative to reduce the amount of single user vehicles on our roadways.

Car Free Day challenges us to explore transportation alternatives for just one day. If you have a competitive streak, you’ll definitely want to take the pledge. We are competing with other area municipalities, and at last check, Ossining was leading! But not by much. Take the pledge here and learn more about transportation alternatives including Lime Bikes511RideShare, and more. Ossining’s participation for the first time this year in the global Car Free Day, is made possible by the Village, Town and Green Ossining partnering together.

Last week’s Work Session began with a presentation from members of the Landlord Tenant Relations Council. They provided us with a report of the cases they have heard so far, and encourage tenants of any building to ask for assistance in resolving an issue with an landlord or in gathering information about their rights by visiting here. The LTRC is working on resources that will soon be available to the whole community.

Village Engineer Paul Fraioli and Water Superintendent Andrew Tiess presented a report of public works projects underway. Of particular interest to anyone who uses Village roads are updates on paving and road restoration work. Two of the most notable roadways in need of restoration are Snowden Avenue and the Campwoods Road corridor. These projects are dependent upon the progress of infrastructure work by Westchester County and ConEdison respectively. It was reassuring to learn that communication between Village staff and their counterparts in these organization is somewhat improved. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the progress currently happening moves swiftly so that road restoration can take place prior to this winter. Please visit here to view the portion of the meeting regarding Public Works.

Connecting This Week

Open Office Hours will take place tomorrow from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon in the Board of Trustees office on the first floor of Village Hall. No appointment is necessary, and all are welcome to discuss any topic, concern or idea of interest to you.

Have a burning question or idea, at any hour of the day or night?… E-mail me at mayor@villageofossining.org, the Board of Trustees at bot@villageofossining.org or Village Manager Debbie McDonnell at dmcdonnell@villageofossining.org.

With regards,




Victoria Gearity
Ossining Mayor