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The Mariandale Center


The Mariandale Center
16 Croton Avenue
Ossining, NY 10562




“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike.”

John Muir


The Mariandale Center sponsors retreats and programs in spirituality and contemplative practices, social justice, environmental protection, the arts, and wellness of body, mind, and spirit.

The Mariandale Center also welcomes nonprofit groups and organizations for day or overnight workshops, retreats, and conferences. Our guests enjoy the quiet, professional environment at the center, as well as the beautiful landscape overlooking the Hudson River.

Mariandale is situated on 61 wooded acres on the eastern bank of the Hudson River, with beautiful views of the river and valley. It is an unforgettable and peaceful setting for planning, teaching, training, studying, or meditating.

Where is The Mariandale Center?

The Mariandale Center is located 35 miles north of New York City in Ossining, NY, in the lower Hudson Valley. The Center is a 50-minute Metro North train ride from Grand Central to the Croton-Harmon train station, and then a 5-minute taxi ride from the station.

To arrange for a tour or to inquire about holding a meeting or conference here, e-mail info@mariandale.org. You can also add your name to our mailing list, or request more information with an Inquiry form, by visiting the Contact Us page.

The Mariandale Center is a sponsored ministry of the Dominican Sisters of Hope.