Home News Business Ossining DPW Site Redevelopment Engagement Series

Ossining DPW Site Redevelopment Engagement Series


In 2019, the Village of Ossining released a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to develop the Village-owned site at Water Street between Main Street and Central Avenue.

The RFQ was released in a response to community need for more affordable housing, as well as to make a meaningful connection between the waterfront and the downtown and expand the Sing Sing Kill Greenway linear park.

Wilder Balter Partners was chosen as the preferred developer to move forward and present their design concept, which includes an all-affordable, mixed-unit residential building with ground-floor commercial and community space, to the Ossining community.

To that end, the Village has organized an Engagement Series over several months to explore various aspects of the proposed project, from affordability levels and tax revenue to school impact and flood resiliency, and to better understand from the public how this development can be even more responsive to community needs.

For further details, please visit here.

All questions can be directed to the Board of Trustees and Village Administration at plan@villageofossining.org