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Mayor’s Monday Morning Message


Paving, Code Enforcement & Storm Management

Perhaps the most exciting news of the day is the road restoration happening on lower Snowden Avenue. This is the final step of the Westchester County utility work on Snowden & Water. This project has been a very long time coming. The County’s redesign and rerouting of their underground waste water utility line has now been completed to correct an environmentally hazardous condition and the associated foul odor. Mother Nature, the neighborhood, park visitors, and local drivers will all be breathing a little easier.

At last week’s legislative session we passed three new laws including substantial provisions to strengthen the Village’s ability to improve code enforcement related to vacant properties, oversight for new businesses, and properties with indications of overcrowding. We continue to increase the staff dedicated to code enforcement to improve the safety and desirability of residential and commercial buildings, as well as establishing policies that will welcome and support new and existing businesses. Please visit here to read the proposed local law.

We also approved a resolution clearly stating our opposition to the proposals from the Army Corp of Engineers which would have a detrimental impact on Hudson River communities like Ossining. The public outcry to the manner in which this effort was undertaken by the Army Corp of Engineers has prompted them to once again extend the deadline for public comment, now open until November 5. To learn more about the proposals, and to express your opinion, please visit here for information provided by Riverkeeper.

This Week’s Work Session

In our ongoing effort to learn from the volunteers who serve on Village boards/committees, at this week’s Work Session we will be joined by representatives of the Board of Ethics who will present us with proposed updates to the Village Code of Ethics.

On a related note, the Village is seeking applicants for a number of appointments to volunteer boards/committees. Please visit here to learn more about openings and how to apply.

Connecting This Week

Open Office Hours will take place tomorrow from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon in the Board of Trustees office on the first floor of Village Hall. No appointment is necessary, and all are welcome to discuss any topic, concern or idea of interest to you.

Have a burning question or idea, at any hour of the day or night?… E-mail me at mayor@villageofossining.org, the Board of Trustees at bot@villageofossining.org or Village Manager Debbie McDonnell at dmcdonnell@villageofossining.org.

With regards,




Victoria Gearity
Ossining Mayor